Posted on by lvartscouncil

One of the best forms of study as a painter is to go outside and paint on location. My sensitivity to color has increased, as has my ability to capture fleeting light effects.

I now see how limiting a photograph is compared to seeing the detail and true variation in nature through an artist’s eyes. In a series of paintings done on location, I feel the viewer can get a true sense of the place and its atmosphere.

My French landscapes were painted in the sunny fall weather of Bordeaux with the fragrance of ripe wine grapes permeating the air. The Wayne, Pennsylvania, paintings were created in the misty rain of May, and then one clear day I painted the dramatically sunlit Victorian Louella House. And in steamy July on the eastern shore of Maryland, I sought shade in order to capture the motifs I found.

The viewer can feel not only the place, atmosphere, and time of day, but also the artist’s hand and heart at work.

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